Practitioner Directory
This is a Directory of Certified Chi Nei Tsang Practitioners indexed by their location.
For Southern CA, Other States, Canada and International, use the tabs at the bottom of this chart.
FYI - This chart displays and functions better on computers than on mobile.
While these listed practitioners have been certified by CNTI, they all work independently and are not affiliated with the Chi Nei Tsang Institute other than their training. Read more below this chart.
If you are a Practitioner on this list and wish to update your information please correspond to webmaster@chineitsang.com.
Practitioners listed in this index agree to abide by our Code of Ethics and Grievance Procedure and are subject to review by a committee of their peers and one or more representatives of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute. A practitioner who has been certified by the Chi Nei Tsang Institute and who has failed to satisfy the inquiries of the review committee may have their certification revoked and be removed from this Directory. A practitioner listed here whose certification arises from another institution either here or abroad may be removed from the Directory at the discretion of the review committee who may also choose to forward a digest of their findings to the certifying institution.
Any person wishing to bring a complaint against a certified Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner is advised to obtain more information by clicking here. Neither the presence nor the absence of a practitioner on this list should substitute for your use of due diligence when engaging the services of any Chi Nei Tsang practitioner by asking for and checking their references in the community where they practice, including other professional associations, local authorities and the Better Business Bureau.
The Chi Nei Tsang Institute is not responsible for the actions of practitioners who are not staff members of the Institute.